Każdy wie kto za kim stoi (1982)

Spojrzenie na Polskę "kolejkową" z początku lat 1980-ch.

Fragmenty stereotypowych dialogów zarejestrowanych w gigantycznej kolejce przekształcają się w surrealistyczny bełkot...

Produkcja: 1982
Premiera: brak dokładnej informacji (czerwiec 1983)


brak (bez muzyki)

Pseudo-dokumentalny film, który po premierze na Krakowskim Festiwalu Filmowym w czerwcu 1983 prawie natychmiast stał się kolejnym "półkownikiem" PRL-u i był zakazany aż do samego końca jej istnienia.

IMDb (angielski)
Wikipedia (polski)


"Everyone Knows Who Has Seniority"

Quasi-documentary film made by Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz in 1982 communist Poland - at that time country of empty stores and long lines of people, standing all day and night in queues to buy virtually anything. The film title - "Everyone Knows Who's In Front of Him" - also carried very universal political context easily understood by average Poles of the time: it referred to the usual "career ladder" in People's Republic of Poland, where each Communist Party member always knew who has seniority and priority, who will be promoted before him, and who after him. Thus the film title ought to be translated according to it's contextual meaning, as "Everyone Knows Who Has Seniority".
For political context film was banned by the communist censors and became another "półkownik" (play of words in Polish which means "shelf dweller" as in the film existing only on a shelves of National Archives and never seeing a daylight, but written similarily as word for military "colonel").
After internal screening in June 1983 film has been first shown to public many years later, after the fall of communism in Poland.
Polish with English subtitles.

Directed by: Maria Zmarz-Koczanowicz
Music by: No composer(s) / without music
Starring: No cast / documentary film

IMDb (English)
Wikipedia (English)


(POL) polski, (ENG) English subtitles,


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